The lunch can be the least productive, or the most productive time of the day based on how you use it. Is you lunch the same 20 minute boring phase, or doesn’t exist at all. Then you can try to turn it around and make it joyful.
This article IS NOT about piling a bunch of tasks to complete during the lunch time, but it’s about to keep it the least productive, but in a FUN way.
Put in on the Calendar – Put your lunch time on the calendar itself, so you can avoid getting calls during that time. The lunch time is the me-time, and no one should connect during that time. This will also make sure that you have your lunch at the same time everyday. This will keep the body timing in sync, as well as make sure that everyone at work knows about it.
Automate lunch choices – We spend a lot of time deciding on what to eat and where to eat. Instead make it an automatic choice, by using something the ‘Wheel of Food’. Keep all your options numbered, and pick any random one. Leave a part to randomness, and you shouldn’t have to worry about what to eat.
Don’t bring work to lunch – Every work item stays where they should, and should never take your lunch time. Leave work at the work-table. It’s also better to leave the phone at the work-table. Phones with the instant messages, and notifications are a major source of distractions, and keeping them away for good is going to make your lunch time better. You also need to eat the lunch away from your work-desk. This way, you are going to avoid the craving to take a quick look at the emails.
Eat less and slower – It takes around 20 minutes for the brain to register that the stomach is full. This will also help avoid overeating, and keep you away from being drowsy and unproductive.
Pack your lunch – It’s always better to pack your lunch. This will save the hassle of trying to find the where and what, and also saving you from having to move around town, or waiting for the food delivery to happen. This is also going to save your health, and a lot of money.
Take the full lunch break – Do you finish your food before your lunch break is over. No need to hurry back to the office. You can take a walk during the rest of the time, read a book, or just do nothing.