October 31, 2022June 18, 2023Technology NodeJS – Getting Started NodeJS is a backend JavaScript based runtime environment, which is cross-platform and executes JavaScript outside of the web browser. It is highly […]
October 22, 2022October 29, 2022Technology Create Angular Project Angular is a platform used by millions of developers to build high-quality applications that can be deployed across desktop, mobile and the […]
December 16, 2018May 5, 2021Technology How to resolve “EADDRINUSE: address already in use” error Mostly in development machines, we tend to leave out the node server running, and close the terminal. This keeps the node server […]
July 24, 2018November 1, 2022Technology Serve Static Files Locally using Node and Express A basic setup to serve a folder in a browsable mode using NodeJs and ExpressJS.
April 22, 2018February 22, 2022Technology Building an API using NodeJS, ExpressJS, Passport, JWT and Mongo ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderWithScheme(‘JWT’)The JWT string passed at the end is case sensitive as opposed to everyone saying it isn’t.Have faced this problem a couple […]
September 22, 2017July 9, 2019Technology Serving HTML files using ExpressJS and NodeJS Sometimes it is required to just wrap up a simple NodeJS server using the ExpressJS framework and get started with building an […]
August 9, 2017November 1, 2022Technology Starting a simple local webserver using NodeJS and Express Sometimes you just need a web server in your local computer but don’t want to bother installing a full fledged software like […]
October 19, 2016November 1, 2022Projects m2nChat – NodeJS powered simple chat application Recently I have been getting my hands dirty on NodeJS. It is a very powerful JavaScript runtime that has been designed to build […]