Learning Angular would be a multi-part series on the basics of Angular.
After trying to explain the basics of Angular to people who are getting started with front-end development, I thought to pen down some of the things that should be easier to follow afterwards. We can broadly divide the course into the following topics:
- Introduction to Angular and how it starts up
- Understanding Components and Modules
- Data binding (String interpolation, property binding, events)
- Angular Directives
- Styling in Angular – ngStyle, ngClass
- Component Custom Properties and Events
- ViewChild and ContentChild in Angular
- Component Lifecycle in Angular
- Services (Dependency Injection)
- Angular Routing and Guards
- RxJS in Angular (Observables, Subjects)
- Angular Forms (Template Driven, Reactive)
- Pipes in Angular
- Making HTTP Requests in Angular (HTTPClient)
- HTTP Interceptor
- Angular Modules & Lazy Loading
- Deployment
The source code for the course ‘Learning Angular’ can be found at github. I will try to continuously update the source code with all the things that we cover throughout the course.